Read to Her: Read out her favorite book to her or something new that she had wanted to read for long but did not have the time. It can be a novel, a drama, a poem, or even comic books. This helps you spend more time with her, while she keeps looking at you and listening to your voice.
Cook for Her: Cook her something simple or may be here favorite dish when she is not at home. This will surprise when is back home. This one little thing that you just did for her can bring a smile worth zillion on her face.
Walk Hand in Hand: Go to a nearby Park or garden that has free entry. Take a walk among the flowers and the tress. You may even choose a beach if you live near one. Walking hand in hand on a moonlit night is very romantic.
Watch a Movie: Create a Theatre like experience at home. Put on her favorite DVD and watch any of you favorite romantic movies. Prepare some snacks like pop corns and sandwiches and enjoy the movie. In this way you make for a romantic movie date for the both of you.
House Arrangement: Arrange the house with her. Put things back in place and help her get rid of all the thrash. Then decorate it with some creative ideas that will not cost you money. For Example you can make a painting or bring some flowers from the garden or just rearrange the old décor.
Play Video Games: Play video games together if you have one. Make you cars run and your warriors fight as you enjoy the fun of companionship. Even if you lose the game to your girlfriend, you won’t mind it because she won.
Make a Collage: Collect all her favorite pictures of her and stick them on a chart paper. Add as many pictures as you can to make it lively and fun. She will definitely love it and appreciate the hard work you have put in.
Coffee Effect: Make her a Cup of coffee, Hot or Cold, whatever she likes. It always helps one unwind after a long day of work. A cup of Coffee will make her relax and add a little romance to your relationship. After all “A lot can happen over a cup of Coffee”!
Invent Your Own Game: Make you own game. Play it often. Decide the rules and keep changing them from time to time. These games can be interesting and can help you discover a lot about your partner.
Listen to Romantic Songs: Play some of the most romantic song which both of you like. Sing along and dance to the tune of the music. Songs help you relieve stress and enjoy life. And nothing else can beat romantic songs when you are with your girlfriend enjoying a romantic day.
Massage: Give her a body massage. Keep talking to her while you are giving her a massage. This will make her feel relaxed and even add some sensuous element to your relationship.
Solve crossword: Solve some crossword puzzles together. This will help your relationship as you get to do the same thing at the same time. It will even help you spend some quality time with your girlfriend.
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